All events are listed in chronological order with current events at the top and events further in the future toward the bottom. All calendar content is provided by the organization coordinating the event. Please direct all questions about a specific event to the contact information listed for that event.
We welcome both non-profit and for profit events. Please see our guidelines before submitting.
TUESDAY, November 12
Leete’s Island Garden Club: ‘Planting New England: the Gardening History of Connecticut and Beyond’ 12:30-2:30
Leslie Evans, the Avery Copp House and Garden Museum Director (Groton, CT), will present the garden history of Connecticut followed by a sachet-making workshop popular during the mid-1800’s. Meet in the Quonnipaug Room of the Nathanael Greene Community Center, 32 Church Street, Guilford. The workshop portion of the event is free, and limited to 30 participants. Please register at
Workshop information: 203-453-0780.