GCTV Annual Meeting Rescheduled

Thursday, July 25, 2024

7pm Via Zoom and followed by our regular quarterly meeting.

The public is welcome to attend.

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Update - PEG Access Blackout To Save Public Access Television

GCTV thanks you for your support and action during our PEG blackout to raise support for HB 5446.  Unfortunately there was not enough support by members of the legislature or the Governor to get this bill to the floor and voted on.

What this Means

For now, GCTV will receive the bulk of its operational funding through the unsustainable Cable TV only per subscribership model.

The Concern

With cable subscribership on the decline at what point does the financials of this service become unsustainable/unprofitable for the cable companies and therefore no longer sustainable for supporting PEG?

What GCTV is Doing

GCTV is actively working to diversify our revenue streams through grants, earned income and good old fashioned fundraising.  We are also keeping a finger on the pulse of what is happening at the state level.  The next session of the legislature comes back after an election year so that may turn the tides of support for a bill like HB5446 in the future.

What You Can Do

Continue to write to your legislators about what PEG access means to you and what losing it would mean.

Stay in touch with GCTV and keep bringing us great hyper-local stories to share.  The need for a platform dedicated to First Amendment Freedom of Speech transcends any one technology.

Sign up for our email list to stay informed of all things GCTV!

As always, GCTV thanks you for your support!

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Become a Producer! 

Guilford community members of all ages and skill levels have produced programs that highlight events and ideas in the area of arts, healthcare, government, religion, education environment and much more.  You can learn to produce compelling video presentations too!  Training and use of equipment is free.  Check out our online video classroom to get started.  Learn about technique, story development and equipment.